

Interview with TVB Singer Chantel


TVB singer Chantel attended a mall event today, performing her new songs "Dreamscape" and "初心小岛". She revealed that she will be leaving Hong Kong tonight to study in New Zealand. When asked about the happiest moment during her two-week stay in Hong Kong, she said, "Meeting fans is definitely a happy moment. Another happy moment is when I recorded a new song, a sad love song, better than I expected. I was very involved in it and it is set to be released in July. (Did you draw from your own experiences?) No, I watch a lot of romance movies, and I also need to fantasize a bit, think of some sad love stories."


She mentioned that she is not currently longing for love this year as her focus is on studying. She expressed her support for After Class members, stating that she only had the chance to meet Yim Ming Hei during her time back in Hong Kong as the others are busy with their DSE exams. She didn't want to disturb their study routine and wished them luck.


Chantel also attended Gigi's "Gi-FORCE Concert 2024" during her visit to Hong Kong and expressed her admiration for Gigi's performances. She mentioned that she was moved by Gigi's growth as an artist and hoped to have her own concert after graduating from university.


When asked about comparisons between After Class members, Chantel said she doesn't mind as everyone's rankings in fans' eyes differ. She humorously suggested that they could all be ranked second or even jointly first. She admitted to not being as involved in her music career lately due to her focus on academics, giving herself a rating of 6 out of 10. She emphasized the importance of balancing both aspects of her life.

Regarding the issue of fans migrating to new girl groups, Chantel understood that it is natural for fans to come and go over time. She expressed gratitude for the support she receives and believes that new fans will continue to join her journey. She also shared that she received messages from fans appreciating how her music helps them relieve exam stress, which made her very happy.


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