

Is Luo Yunxi in Trouble?

Luo Yunxi

Luo Yunxi has been struggling with his recent works. Despite having projects airing, they either turn out to be messy or controversial, with some even getting involved in scandals. This has prevented Luo Yunxi from reaching new heights with his works. To regain a breakthrough, he has been tirelessly working on his new project, hoping it will impress the audience. Apart from his dedication on set, Luo Yunxi has also been actively engaging in activities to support his fans. As the industry is competitive with new talents emerging, he needs to maintain his existing fan base to avoid losing popularity.

Yang Mi vs. Zhao Liying Drama?

Yang Mi and Zhao Liying

Recently, Yang Mi received criticism for her performance in "Harbin 1944". Netizens not only criticized her acting skills but also compared her to other actors, including Yang Yang. Yang Mi's fans are actively trying to defend her reputation against online attacks. There have been claims that some Zhao Liying fans organized a smear campaign against Yang Mi. While rivalry between Yang Mi and Zhao Liying is common, negative publicity can only affect temporarily and the public opinion eventually prevails. Yang Mi has faced prolonged backlash due to her specific situation, but with support from neutral fans, the tide can turn in her favor.

Chen Zheyuan Allegedly Suppressing Ju Jingyi?

Chen Zheyuan and Ju Jingyi

Recently, there has been a resurgence of discussions about the rank issue in "Xianjian 4", likely initiated by Chen Zheyuan's fans. They have provided evidence to indicate that Chen Zheyuan did not steal the rank from Ju Jingyi since they were initially on equal terms. Reviving the rank issue helps stabilize Chen Zheyuan's position in the entertainment industry. This strategy is mainly targeted at Ju Jingyi, who has faced setbacks after "Hua Jian Ling". By undermining her, Chen Zheyuan could secure a stronger foothold for his future endeavors.

Zheng Hehui Enjoying the Benefits?

Zheng Hehui

Zheng Hehui has recently landed multiple business deals, being hailed as the biggest winner of "Hua Jian Ling". This success has added to the embarrassment faced by Ju Jingyi, who missed out on a potential partnership. Brands are interested in Zheng Hehui not only for her performance in "Hua Jian Ling" but also due to her recent exposure on a popular variety show. With such dual exposure, brands foresee a promising future for her, hence choosing to collaborate. In contrast, Ju Jingyi's career has not benefitted from "Hua Jian Ling", showcasing a significant gap between her and established actors, resulting in a lack of brand interest at this time.

Zhou Yangqing Clashes with Han Xue?

Zhou Yangqing and Han Xue

Zhou Yangqing and Han Xue

Recently, Zhou Yangqing and Han Xue were part of a reality show where Han Xue made a condescending remark about her age compared to others. This led to Zhou Yangqing firing back, refusing to let Han Xue act superior. Han Xue's aloof attitude in the entertainment industry has finally been challenged, much to the amusement of the audience. Zhou Yangqing's courage to confront Han Xue stems from her background and unwillingness to tolerate Han Xue's superiority complex backed by her connections. This interaction provided an entertaining moment for viewers.


田馥甄缺席天津音乐节 正式调整阵容

田馥甄缺席天津音乐节 正式调整阵容

田馥甄将无法参加泡泡岛音乐与艺术节表演瓜圈娱乐讯 4月27日,泡泡岛音乐与艺术节官方发文,表示田馥甄将不会参加音乐节表演。“我们非常遗憾地通知大家,因活动筹备原因,田馥甄将不参加5月2日泡泡岛音乐与艺术节·京津冀站SOSO STAGE的表演。”随后,田馥甄也发文表示遗憾,并表示后会有期,相信再相遇就...



今日热播电视剧推荐根据“猫眼专业版”实时数据显示,当前热播电视剧中,网播热度最高的五部剧如下:1. 《庆余年 第二季》主演:张若昀,李沁剧情点评:第二季延续了第一季的高水准,剧情高潮迭起,每集精彩纷呈,非常推荐观看。2. 《狐妖小红娘·月红篇》主演:杨幂,龚俊剧情点评:剧情有些无聊,感情线有些牵强,...












德云社的影视之路:硬融与门槛瓜圈娱乐专稿(胖部/文)德云社的新剧《万春逗笑社》,在市场整体升温的四月,实在是没卷起什么水花。对于德云社,这不是第一次。 就在两年前,同样由德云社班底带来的《瓦舍江湖》,几乎上演了相同的数据结果。或许不同的是,《万春逗笑社》“血统”更纯正,也有更多属于德云社的表达。但对...

